About US :)
Hello from all of us to you!! There is no doubt you are here for a reason and we are so thankful that the universe brought your awesome self to us! We are the Martens family, coming to ya from…. well… someplace in the United States. We are in Florida currently at the time I am writing up this section on the website but by the time you are reading this we could be 10 states away.
We are a family of 4, originally from California, that are currently traveling the US full time in our RV living our new American Dream. Us adults in the fam are getting re inspired living life through our childrens eyes. Seeing this beautiful country for the first time together. The allure of the open road was too much and we had to answer the calling. We broke the routine of suburban life and are currently writing an exciting new chapter in our lives while looking for our new place to call “home”. Currently home is where we park it and we have been in some pretty wild places. From the east coast to the west coast, north to south, we are on the move pretty frequently testing out a new idea and approach to life we call navigate by heart… which has led us in some pretty amazing directions and we continue to travel free with open hearts talking to all those around us and connecting the dots to how and why seemingly “random” events happen to all of us in life.
We hope you enjoy our pictures and posts and will reach out and say hi : ) I dunno how or why you landed here but I’d love to connect the dots and find out.